I am excited to be at SXSW – Interactive Festival here in Austin tomorrow.
For those of you that don’t know what SXSW – Interactive is its a large festival of smart and savvy people interested in technology and creativity. I have noticed that over the last couple of years, more and more people have been talking about the brain and last year there was a panel on sports and the brain with Chris Nowinski and others. Chris is a person with a brain injury who is also a leading advocate for sports concussion and a role model for me.
I proposed a session called “Welcome to Your New Brain: Lessons from Concussion”, and I was accepted!
Its the first time that I will speak to this type of audience and I am excited about that.
The talk is tomorrow.
Here’s the link for more information about my session (Tuesday March 17 at 11:45 at Austin Convention Center):
I plan to put information about it on my website and on this blog after the speech and on this blog, so stay tuned
Here’s information about all Health and MedTech talks that are being held this year. If you are interested, you can look up the other brain-related and brain-injury talks that are here this year. Very impressive.